Research podcast

The podcast I decided to listen to was "Listening Versus Hearing with Millennial Entrepreneur, Samantha Skelly." In this podcast Samantha talks about how people now days may listen to you, but they aren't actually hearing you. We are so focused on technology all the time especially cell phones. It used to be a big deal to put your phone away when someone is talking to you and give them your undivided attention. I know when I am around my grandparents especially it is an unspoken rule to never be on your phone. While technology can promote communication with someone you wouldn't have known or spoken to otherwise, it is creating a massive barrier in everyday conversations. We are no longer being present in real life because we are too glued to our phones to actually live in the moment. Think about it when you were at a major event did you put away your phone and live in the moment or did you have it out making sure you get a recording of the event to share with everyone online? Samantha also talks about how people can make themselves seem totally different online than they are in person. I think this is interesting and true because most people only share the highlights of their life and not the bad ones. This podcast connects to the topics we have been over in class. In week five we learned about online reputation and how people portray themselves online. We talked about how your future employer can see your profile and at the end of the day that can determine if you get the job or not. Samatha talks about how people falsify their personality online and when she has met them in person they are very different. 
