Online Arguments

When you are scrolling on Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit it is almost impossible to not find an argument. The fact is it is so easy to argue online because there is no in person confrontation so people are not held accountable for what they say online. Also being able to use any name you want on a given profile can conceal identity. An online argument I decided to take a dive into was a reddit post I found while scrolling. The argument in this post is "Relationships are inherently pointless games". This really caught my interest because relationships in general are a major part of communication online and offline. Firstly, if we all believed relationships are basically pointless that would be a generally negative outlook. An example would be using someone for your own benefit and then walking away after you get what you want. A couple of concerns I have for this argument is that it isn't factual it is actually an opinion. We are all entitled to our opinions, but that's all it is. Another concern with this argument is that it is downplaying the importance of connection and mutual bonds that a given relationship creates. We as humans will always feel the need to bond and care for one another rather than thinking everyone is out to "play you like a game" per se. 

Five rules I would give for arguing online:
1. If you wouldn't say it to someones face keep it to yourself.
2. Be considerate of peoples feelings- they do matter just because their view is different than yours.
3. Keep in mind young minds are reading these arguments.
4. Don't take things people say to heart- people online can be very harsh.
5. Keep scrolling and don't entertain others arguments that are meant to be just that.
