Oversharing Online

When it comes to social networking sites just about everyone has at least one. Whether it be Facebook or TikTok we have all have some type of involvement. Having social networking sites can certainly have benefits, but they can be just as negative as well. Social networking sites like Facebook allow us to connect with friends and family. While this is a great way to communicate it can also be detrimental to our mental health as well. One major negative aspect of social networking site is we as people tend to over share. One example that comes to mind is people posting their children and information when school starts. It may seem innocent, but we forget the whole world can view this information leaving our children to be in harms way incidentally. 

If we take a look at our friends list there are most likely many people we don't know in reality. I remember when I was in middle and high school having a large friend group on Facebook made you seem more popular. A good question is, is there an ideal number of "friends" we can have on Facebook that will improve our mental health? I think the less friends we have would actually be better for our mental health. There can be so much negativity online so when we see people arguing or posting sad images or information it can really take a toll on our mental health. I think having a few good friends you know is sufficient in communication but also protecting your mental health as well. 
